Tessa Virtue, Annie Lennox, Ferdinand King of Navarre and a not-so-famous millennial named Nikkole search for a feminist utopia that doesn't exist. ​
Premiere: August 2018, SummerWorks Performance Festival (Toronto, ON)
Duration: 60 minutes
Number of Performers: 5
watch the full work
Concept, Choreography & Direction: Alyssa Martin
Dramaturgy: David Bernstein
With Original Music: Pony Nicole Herauf
Performers/Collaborators: Drew Berry, Mary-Dora Bloch-Hansen, Sam Grist, Pony Nicole Herauf and Natasha Poon Woo
Lighting Designer: Emilie Trimbee
Stage Manager: Hannah MacMillan, Taylor Young
Outside Eye: Francesca Chudnoff
Including Additional Music From:
James Newton Howard, Gustav Mahler, Annie Lennox, Jean-Phillipe Rameaux, Jean-Baptiste Lully, The Monkees, Luis Bacalov, The 6ths, Lorde, Nick Dolan, Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor
Including Text Written by:
David Bernstein, Pony Nicole Herauf, Samantha Grist, Alyssa Martin, Scott Moir, William Shakespeare, Tessa Virtue ​
2018 Canadian Stage Award for Direction
Residencies + Support:
​Created in residence at TMU's Creative School - Parodos Festival 2018
Toronto Arts Council
Photos by Francesca Chudnoff
Video by Francesca Chudnoff, filmed August 2018 at The Theatre Centre - Franco Boni Theatre (SummerWorks Performance Festival, Toronto, ON)​