Big Time Miss
A big dance for the moment the joke dries up.
In Big Time Miss, a group of funny people are forced to dissolve their clownish selves in favour of their lush emotional interiors as they navigate the turbulence of their real lives. Set within a shape-shifting cloud of theatrical potential, Big Time Miss is an absurdist dreamscape rooted in Rock Bottom Movement’s signature approach to unbridled, athletic contemporary dance theatre.
big time miss
Premiere: October 2024, Fall for Dance North Festival, Betty Oliphant Theatre (Toronto, ON)
Technical Residency + Preview: September 2024, Fredericton Playhouse (Fredericton, NB)
Creation Residency + Preview: July 2024, Festival of Dance Annapolis Royal (Annapolis Royal, NS)
Duration: 55 minutes
Number of Performers: 5
Available for touring.
watch the trailer
Photo gallery

Big Time Miss (2024) Photo by Kendra Epik

Big Time Miss (2024) Photo by Kendra Epik

Big Time Miss (2024) Photo by Kendra Epik

Big Time Miss (2024) Photo by Kendra Epik
Big Time Miss
Choreography & Direction: Alyssa Martin
Collaborators & Performers: Drew Berry, Brayden Jamil Cairns, Sam Grist, Steph Harkness and
Natasha Poon Woo with Spencer Hack (July Version)
Original Composition: Semiah, Jacob Vanderham
Lighting Design: Noah Feaver
Aesthetic Associate + Costume Concept Journey: Brayden Cairns
Unitards thanks to the Patricia Beatty archives
Stage Management: Kathy Le
Dramaturgical Team: David Bernstein, Pony Nicole Herauf, Jordan Laffrenier
Winds: Naomi McCarrol-Butler
Electric Guitar: Jameson Daniels
Additional Mixing: Thomas Upjohn
Technical Residency Assistant: Sydney Hallet
Supported by
The Bulmash-Siegel Foundation, Canada Council for the Arts, Festival of Dance Annapolis Royal Creative Residency Programme, Arts New Brunswick and Fredericton Playhouse.
Special thanks to
Ilter Ibrahimof, Laurence Lemieux, Robert Binet, The National Ballet of Canada, Citadel + Compagnie, Lesandra Dodson, Randy Glynn, Dominic Bortolussi and the Rock Bottom Board of Directors: Justin De Bernardi, Susie Burpee and Fabiola Cavé Paquette
Photos by Kendra Epik
Trailer videography by Everett Delorme, filmed October 2024 at The Betty Oliphant Theatre (Fall for Dance North Festival, Toronto, ON)
Trailed edited by Drew Berry

FULL Archival Video
Please contact alyssa@rockbottommovement.com to request access